So Hot! 7 Simple Signs to Show He Loves You Like Crazy


Tell if your man loves you like crazy by reading the following easy and simple tips and know where your love life is heading to.
You still don’t know if he is crazily in love with you? Well, don’t go far as Lovedatingdoc provides you 7 simple ways to tell if he is crazy for you.
1. When he talks about you, he is full of pride.
Observe him when he talks about you to his friends. If he’s really enthusiastic when he describes your latest achievement at the gym or how you got your promotion at work, then this has to be one of the signs he loves you. He admires your intellectual background, your academic studies or the fact that you make more money that he does. Your deep knowledge about world affairs and the weird addiction to the TV show Friends is something that amazes him every single day. You don’t have to be a genius to attract some one’s attention. One of the signs he loves you is when the man you are dating is actually noticing in every little thing that you excel, no matter how small it is. He’s cool with all that because he’s deeply in love with you. Bonus Tip: competitive behavior can hurt your relationship. Make sure you don’t go down that lane.
2. He is spoiling you.
He wakes up and goes straight to kitchen to prepare breakfast. Or he runs to your favorite bistro to get delicious hot pastries. He buys the best gifts for your birthday and you always get something special for Christmas. The holiday period is around the corner and he can’t wait to go for shopping, just for you. Or the other day he booked tickets to Hawaii and made you the biggest surprise of your life. When you asked why, he said because you deserve it. One of the most clear signs he loves you is the fact that he pumpers you even when there is no special occasion. Your boyfriend belongs to the exclusive group of men who are more interested in you rather than his friends. He has his own life, but he always puts you as priority no.1 – you should be honored that he feels and acts like that because it’s not very common! Bonus Tip: relationships are a two way thing. Balance it with with nice give backs from your side and let him know that you are not only a receiver, but also a giver.
3. He supports you dreams.
You might have crazy plans to be the next Top Model, or take over from Oprah Winfrey when she retires. Or to sell millions of records and be the most famous pop star. One of the signs he loves you is that he never laughs with your dreams, no matter how insane they look. He is always behind you to support your decisions. Your boyfriend goes the extra mile to help you out when it comes to realizing your dreams. He treats your targets as they were his. Not because he doesn’t have his own dreams, but he wants to team up with you. Your boyfriend feels that this is a great way to come even closer to you and show how much he cares about you. But plans don’t got always as planned and you both know it. Not a problem! One of the undeniable signs he loves you is that he has a tissue ready when you failed and realised how high you set the bar. He never says “I told you so”. On the contrary, he will be super supportive and will try to cheer you up, doing what you love best. Bonus Tip: rally for him in his most ambitious campaign. Be an indisputable team of two and you will conquer the world together!
4. He listens to you carefully and follows your advice.
OK let’s face it. He might never tell you that you are right. But he’s not the kind of guy who does much talking anyway, remember? In such cases look for signs he loves you in actions, not words. The fact that he takes your advice seriously and follows your recommendations, is more than enough to convince you that he respects your point of view. If your boyfriend is a great listener, then you must stick with him since it’s not often you come across guys like him. Most guys like to talk about themselves all the time and take pride of what they do. These are not really signs he loves you, but rather sign he loves himself, more than anything else in the world. And no one likes to be with a man with big ego. Selfish people tend to think only themselves, and they are never caring. They often have trust issues as well, so it will be very difficult for them to stay in a long term relationship without freaking out. If you think about it, the last of the signs he loves you, might be the most important of all! Bonus Tip: open your ears and hear what he has to say as well.
If you smiled when you read any of the above 10 signs he loves you, it’s probably because your partner is good at these cases. You are a lucky person! Make sure you follow the tips to make sure you don’t lose a very special man. When you are certain about his love, go to the next step and learn how to make him commit in 7 easy steps. If your boyfriend is a catch, you need to stay with him forever and we will help you make him feel safer with commitment.
5. He doesn’t mind acting silly to make you laugh.
You had the worst day of your life, and he starts dancing recklessly Latin music just to cheer you up. One of the true signs he loves you is that he does whatever it takes to see you happy. No matter the cost, if it’s going to put a smile in your face, he will do it. Love is not about taking, it’s about giving. Your boyfriend knows this universal truth deep inside him, so he offers joy and happiness at any given chance. When the man you are dating is making a real effort to see you smile, it’s because seeing you happy makes him feel satisfied. It’s a sign that his efforts to please you have not been fruitless, that he is actually managing to brighten up your day. You can’t avoid accepting these signs he loves you, it’s obvious that he has strong feelings about you, can’t you see? Bonus Tip: when you are having a rough week, don’t let it all out on him. He doesn’t deserve it! Let him approach you on his unique way and be sure that he will find a crack of happiness inside you.
6. He loves your natural beauty.
You might get a lot of heads turning when you walk in the club. You are a stunning princess who likes to dress to impress. But he loves the way you look even when you are dressed down, with your pyjamas. Even these days where you have no make up on and you hate your freckled face. It’s a sign he loves you when he’s not interested on all the accessories and fake things you put on, but likes you for who you really are. Passion and desire are feelings that might attract men in the first place, but real love is what they keep them around. And real love comes from real, natural beauty. Don’t you ever forget that no matter how stunnig you might look on a typical Saturday out, it will be very different in 10 years time. So you need to have some one by your side that will look you into your eyes 20 years down the road and still be in love with you, as it was the first time he kissed you. Bonus Tip: the fact that he finds you naturally beautiful is an advantage. Make sure you want him just the way he is, not the way you wanted him to be.
7. He treats you like a lady.
Men these days, and especially younger ones, have not learnt proper manners to treat a lady like you. You are lucky because your partner has asked, searched online, and found the secrets of treating you like a lady. Your boyfriend is more like a knight, a true gentleman who grew up with good manners. Your man is doing everything a well behaved person does to honor the lady next to him. For example, he’s always following you or walk next to. He makes sure you never have to open a door when he’s around. He never lets you carry nothing but your purse. And even then, he never lets you use it because he’s more than happy to pay the bill. All these are clear signs he loves you and respect you as a woman, not because he is some kind of servant, but because he understands each others positions in the relationship. Bonus Tip: you have to treat him equally with respect. Many couples end up breaking up because they lost their respect with each other. When your boyfriend respects you, he will not even think about flirting or cheat*ng you with another woman.

Queen Larbih

About Queen Larbih

I Am A Blogger and also a blog designer,That Blogs out My Mind And Hoping To Always Be At The Top Of My Game.

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